Collection Game
Collection Game - This project was developed during a first year University unit "Programming". The language studied and used was Java. A collection game had to be made within the Processing IDE. The brief was open ended and had no specific requirements, rather to put my Java knowledge into practice with OOP.
A main technique used was polymorphism. It was implemented in an attempt to spawn multiple birds from the AI class as the levels progressed to make the game more challenging. It was my first project using Processing in which I found it very self explanatory. The game required features to showcase collection and advancement. Two objects were created, bucket being score and strawberry as health. They shared a similar class hierarchy except strawberries were bound to a different vector 3 spawning position and at less frequency. The ant was an AI developed to follow the player along the x plane to attack if it became stationary. Additionaly the birds were made to track the player and move towards it. The game was developed with simple WASD controls.
The game was entertaining when play testing however became an annoyance when multiple birds where attacking the player at once. They all gathered to the same position which triggered repetitive audio. A potential solution could be implementing a boids algorithm to separate their distances and make them follow different paths to the player. I learnt how to use Java for OOP and develop a basic hierarchal class system.